We have some new resources to share focusing on healthy food relationships and fostering critical social media literacy! With funding from the Canadian Home Economics Foundation and the UM Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences Endowment Fund, we worked with teacher Victoria Wojakowski, PHEc to create three lessons for middle years titled ‘Food and Nutrition in the Media: Critical Thinking’. Check them out under the Ages 10-14 Food Relationships tab. Victoria also led the development of a series of fun, informative posters to help young adults evaluate social media messages, which all-too-often undermine positive attitudes toward food and bodies. These can be accessed on our new Resources to Download page using the ‘downloads’ button located in the navigation menu bar. Here you will find versions that can be uploaded to your Instagram and other social media, and printed as classroom posters. Spread the messages far and wide! Social media literacy is an important component of food literacy.
Dr. Joyce Slater, RD, PHEc, PhD
Professor, Community Nutrition
Dept. of Food and Human Nutritional Sciences
University of Manitoba