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Ecology Gardening Tour


AGES 4-9

Food Packaging:
School Wide Analysis

Students will examine school waste over a one day period and create brochures to encourage reusable, recyclable, and sustainable food packaging.

Date Added: 24-09-2019

What is Composting? 

Students will gain an understanding of composting and identifying compostable and non-compostable items. In an optional lesson extension, students will work cooperatively to create a classroom compost.

Date Added: 24-09-2019

Plastic Food Packaging

Students will compare and contrast a variety of school lunches and design their own environmentally friendly school lunch.

Date Added: 24-09-2019

Supermarket Sweep

Students will gain an understanding of the differences in prices for same foods across regions, and understand that same foods can cost more depending on where you live.

Date Added: 24-09-2019

Journey through the
Food system

Students will follow the journey of a strawberry through the food system, understand that food takes a long journey to get to their homes, and will gain experience writing a narrative RAFT style piece to demonstrate their understanding of the food system.

Date Added: 24-09-2019

Last updated: September 24, 2019

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